Enjoy the sunshine and welcome summer with activities to help you stay inspired all month long.
Let's Get Started
June 1 - Make Beeswax Candles
The bees are humming, the flowers are blooming, so now it's time to craft. Spend some time decorating beeswax candles to celebrate the season.

June 2 - Learn a Summer Verse
Welcome summer with happy verses to celebrate each day.
June 3 - Make a Sun Print
Place a flower, fern, leaves, or other object on the special photographic paper and set it briefly in the sun. Rinse the paper in water watch a beautiful long-lasting image appear before your eyes! Get the kit HERE.

June 4 - Learn a Bird Call
Spend some time today learning different bird calls that are local to you, then go on a walk and see if you can hear any.
June 5 - Read a Fairy Story
Learn about the magical, whimsical world of fairies. See our collection of books HERE.
June 6 - Let the Kids Make Lunch
Let your kids have fun today helping to make their own lunch.June 7 - Make your Own Fairy Peg Dolls

June 8 - Go Swimming
Enjoy the sunshine and go for a dip in the lake, stream or sea!
June 9 - Make Watermelon Popsicles
Have fun today making your favorite popsicles. Simply blend your watermelon (or other fruit) with some water, freeze, and enjoy!
June 10 - Join the Summer Book Club
It's that time again! Join us for our Summer Book Club adventure and see what fun is to be had!
June 11 - Craft a Gnome Hat
Spend some time outside today and bring your lunch to a local park for a picnic.
June 13 - Carve a Stamp
Hve fun learning a new skill with our stamp carving kits. Find the kit HERE.
June 14 - Build a Block Tower
Sky's the limit! See how tall your little one can build their block tower. See our collection of blocks HERE.

June 15 - Volunteer at a Local Aid Center
Get involved with your local community and volunteer at an aid center to give back.
June 16 - Make Nature Sailboats
Get outside and craft a beautiful sailboat out of found nature treasures. See the boat HERE.

June 17 - Paint a Watercolor Drawing
Relax and unwind with watercolors today. See if you can paint the sky, your favorite animal, or a flower.

June 18 - Create a Summer Seasonal Table
Go on a nature walk to see what little treasures you can find to add to your seasonal summer table.

June 19 - Learn About Juneteenth
"In 2021, Juneteenth was established as a federal holiday, opening it to symbolic and global interpretation and providing a better understanding of the evolution of our nation and its people. Juneteenth celebrations then, like now, recognize the ongoing fight for human rights and equality and are commemorated through family cookouts, faith services, musical performances and storytelling. Today, Juneteenth celebrates African American resilience and achievement while aiding in the preservation of those historical narratives that promoted racial and personal advancement since Freedom Day." - National Museum of African American History & Culture
Learn more about the significance and importance of this national holiday HERE.
June 20 - Celebrate Solstice with a Craft
Summer solstice is the perfect opportunity to give thanks to our Earth and all that it provides. Franzi Shelton created this beautiful moving picture mealtime blessing to celebrate the solstice. Find the tutorial HERE.

June 21 - Bake Sun Bread
The summer solstice is an ancient celebration that has been honored throughout history to celebrate the full return of the sun's light. Many different cultures celebrate this longest day of the year, and it has become a special part of the Waldorf wheel of the year. Summer solstice is the perfect opportunity to give thanks to our Earth and all that it provides. Find the recipe HERE.

June 22 - Go on a Scavenger Hunt
Go on a nature walk today and see if you can find all the treasures in a scavenger hunt! Get the printable HERE.
June 23 - Learn About Beetles
"Beetles are of value to humans in many ways. They are prominent decomposers, especially in forests. As predators, they reduce populations of problem insects, especially caterpillars. Ladybird beetles are widely known to be important predators of aphids, and can be purchased commercially for this purpose." - Smithsonian
Learn more about the wonders of beetles HERE.
June 24 - Decorate your Windows for Summer
The sun is shining right through your windows. Add a touch of whimsy and decorate your windows to celebrate the season.

June 25 - Fold Waldorf Kite Paper Stars
Folding Waldorf window stars is a fun and simple craft. You can make basic designs that are easy enough to involve young children or add additional steps to create more intricate shapes. Folding the colorful kite paper during quiet time is a relaxing way to center and focus your mind. Find the tutorial HERE.

June 26 - Write a Summer Themed Story
Put your creativity to the test! Write a short story today that has to do with your favorite summer moments.
June 27 - Have a Summer Dance Party
Enjoy the sunshine today with a dance party! Get the Bella June playlist HERE.
June 28 - Paint Summer Strawberries
Spring planting brings summer's bounty, and we can't wait to harvest tasty vegetables and ripe fruits. Today our friend Sunny is teaching us how to make a picture-perfect pint of wooden strawberries. Display these cute berries on your nature table or use them for imaginary play! Find the tutorial HERE.
June 29 - Carve a Soapstone Pendant
Today we want to share about our Soapstone Jewelry Carving Kits. We carry three different variations of these kits in varied, beautiful designs. Each comes with a solid chunk of soapstone in a general shape that children then use sandpaper to carve down, round out, and decorate to become a pendant for a necklace. Find the tutorial HERE.
June 30 - Bake a Sugar Free Dessert
Enjoy a sweet treat today without added sugar! Using fresh fruit, bake up a special dessert!
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