Wooden Toys are a wonderful way to bring nature into your child’s play space. The weight and texture of the organic material, pattern of the wood grain and rich scent are all nourishing to a young child’s senses. Wooden toys can provide years of meaningful play. With proper cleaning and care, your heirloom toys last for generations and can be passed down to grandchildren or other families to enjoy.

Safely Cleaning Wooden Toys
Cleaning your wooden toys is simple. A gentle soap like Dr. Bronner’s liquid castile soap or a solution of diluted vinegar will disinfect your toys. Use a soft cloth or brush to wipe clean and rinse, but do not submerge in water. Dry your wooden toys right away. Stay away from bleach and abrasive cleansers that can damage the wood, depleating it of it’s natural moisture and lightening it.
Caring for Wooden Toys Over the Years
Caring for your wooden toys is an ongoing process through out the years. Your toys should be stored in a cool, dry place and not be left in direct sunlight. You will also need to replenish the natural moisture of the wood to avoid warping and cracking. Use a soft cloth to gently rub a thin layer of our Bee Luna Natural Beeswax Polish onto the wood. This process offers an opportunity for children to connect with and care for their toys. The polish is food-safe, child-safe, and nourishing for the skin. The wood will glow and the gentle scent of honey will add to the sensory experience of play.
Repair, Not Replace
Years of play add value to a wooden toy. Sometimes marks, dents or scratches appear, but the memories stored in a well-loved toy are priceless. Still, while wood is strong and holds up to a lot of play, it is not indestructible. What can you do if a toy breaks? You can easily repair most breaks with wood glue and clamps. Sarah recommends Elmer’s Wood Glue. After clamping for 24-48 hours the wood will be stronger than ever and is unlikely to break in the same place again.
Hi Pauline,
Our Beeswax Polish is beeswax and jojoba. Hope this helps!
Liz, Social Media Manager
Is the Natural Beeswax Polish 100% beeswax or is there an oil added?
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