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Easter Waldorf Window Transparency printable from Bella Luna Toys

A Spring Waldorf Window Transparency

There are many telltale signs of spring when you look out your window. The grass turns green, crocuses sprout out of the ground and birds chirp and poke out of their nests.

Celebrate the magic of the season ahead with your very own spring windows - regardless if those first signs of spring are there yet or not! 

Easter Waldorf Window Transparency printable for Bella Luna Toys

Prepare Your Materials

  • Pencil
  • Glue stick
  • Scissors
  • X-acto Knife
  • Waldorf Windows Star paper, tissue paper, or vellum (We used a combination of all 3 for our window transparency.)

Kite paper and materials for Easter Waldorf Window Transparency printable for Bella Luna Toys

Design and Cut Out Your Background Elements

After printing out the template or making your own, you'll use the X-acto knife to cut the frame out. Trace your frame’s shape onto a piece of paper and use that to sketch out a rough draft of your design.

Lay your transparent paper over this draft and trace the elements you'll need. Make sure these slightly overlap the edges of the frame and the piece next to it so you can glue them together.

Cut out the kite paper for Easter Waldorf Window Transparency printable for Bella Luna Toys

Glue Your Elements to the Silhouette

Start by gluing the pieces of paper that are in the foreground to the frame. We created a little flower and filled in the negative spaces on the rabbit. Avoid using too much pressure with your glue because it can make your fragile paper curl or tear.

Glue smaller details onto your Easter Waldorf Window Transparency printable for Bella Luna Toys

Glue together the pieces of your background by slightly overlapping the edge. Lay your silhouette over the background and lightly trace any elements you don't want to overlap.

Use your X-acto knife to cut slightly inside of this outline and then gently erase your pencil marks. We cut a hole for the flower so the layers of paper behind it wouldn't show through.Cut out final details with xacto knife

Apply glue around the edges of your silhouette and also around any holes you cut in your background. Carefully align your frame and foreground elements with the background and press them together.

Hang your Waldorf window transparency with a small piece of tape. Hang your waldorf window transparency

Have you ever crafted your own Waldorf window transparency? We can't wait to see what you create! Tag us on social media and use the hashtag #BellaLunaToys to share your transparency.


  • Jonnie

    What type of paper do you use for the black silhouette?

  • Laura

    There doesn’t seem to be a link to the download for the template. Thank you!

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