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30 Days of Earth Friendly Ideas for April

30 Days of Earth Friendly Ideas for April

Stewardship of our planet is so important to all of us at Bella Luna Toys. We invite you to join us for a month of learning, creating, and taking action for our Earth. Save this activity calendar for 30 days of inspiration. Try to cross off as many of them as you can!

Don't forget to visit us on social media where we will share tutorials, resources, and more, every day in our stories. By the end of April, you should have plenty of ideas to care for the Earth all year long.

Download the Earth Month Calender here.

Earth month activity calender from Bella Luna Toys

Let's Get Started

April 1 - Start a climate action club with your friends

Bring together a group of friends and neighbors who want to act to protect our environment. Your group can start a local composting initiative, organize a carpool system for school drop off and pick up, plan sustainable swap events, raise funds for climate causes, and share eco-friendly tips, facts, and ideas to spread awareness. 

April 2 - Color eggs with natural dyes

Try using onion skins, turmeric, blueberries, red cabbage, and beets. Or use our Eco-Kids Natural Egg Coloring Kit. To add an extra dose of beauty, try coloring eggs with natural dyes and creating floral prints like in this Moon Child Blog post. 

Child in white and red striped pajamas puts a slotted spoon into a glass jar with dark purple colored liquid and a wooden egg in it. Behind the jars of coloring stands a paper rabbit doll and a growth of wheatgrass

April 3 - Decorate a reusable tote bag

You can paint a cotton tote bag with watercolors, dye them with different natural dyes, or create a pounded flower motif like in this tutorial from The House That Lars Built.

April 4 - Learn about composting and start your own pile

Watch this SciShow Kids Video all about how compost is made. Encourage your friends and neighbors to make their own compost piles!

April 5 - Play a nature themed board game

Wildcraft! is an excellent choice that teaches you about herbal remedies while you play!

Wildcraft! board game on a yellow striped picnic blanket outside with bolga baskets behind it

April 6 - Make wet felted Easter eggs

Find all the directions to make these reusable Easter eggs here on the Moon Child Blog

April 7 - Make a nature mandala with gathered material

Collect some beautiful nature treasures like leaves, flowers, acorns, berries, tree bark, etc., and make symmetrical art pieces with them. Creating mandalas is a wonderful way to add a moment of mindfulness to your day.

Mandala made out of nature finds like flowers, leaves, berries and branches

April 8 - Clean up your favorite park

Invite a group of friends and neighbors. Bring trash bags, gloves, and any landscaping tools you may need like a rake. 

April 9 - Have a nature scavenger hunt

Print off our Nature Scavenger Hunt and explore outside! There are two options - the first for younger children, and the second is a more robust hunt for older children. 

A table with 9 spaces filled with different natural elements to make a nature scavenger hunt

April 10 - Ride your bike to school

Anytime we can use alternative transportation helps the Earth. Dedicate one day a week to riding your bike, a public bus or train, or walking to school.

April 11 - Have a candle hour at dinner to save power

Turn off the lights and have dinner by candle light, saving power. Lighting candles with dinner is also a wonderful way to signal to our bodies and our children that it is time to come together to eat and enjoy our family's company. You may find this becomes a daily ritual!

Vase of pastel yellow flowers in glass bottle with grimm's 16 hole birthday ring around it. Birthday ring has two lit candles and spring decorations like rabbits, needle felted eggs, a pink felt mushroom, a yellow tulip ornament...

April 12 - Write a poem celebrating our Earth

Head outdoors with a notebook and pen in hand. Draw inspiration from nature and write a poem to celebrate our planet.

April 13 - Learn about pollinators and how to help

Watch this SciShow Kids video to learn about how pollinators and flowers are a perfect match.

Explore our new garden kits made especially for our favorite pollinators! You'll find them in our Outdoor Toys selection.

April 14 - Make a bug hotel for your outdoor space

Use materials from your recycling bin and collected nature finds to create a cozy bug hotel to hang up in your outdoor space like in this example from Super Simple. Observe all the different bugs that find their way there. 

Bug hotels made out of recyled materials like a used plastic bottle and recycled milk carton

April 15 - Make seed bombs with recycled mail

Follow along in this blog post from our sister store, Oompa Toys, to make wildflower seed bombs. 

April 16 - Mend clothes with needle felting

Follow the instructions on The Moon Child Blog to learn how to mend holes in clothing with needle felted patches. Mending clothes keeps them out of the landfill, saves money when you can pass them down, and helps us reuse what we already own. 

a pair of childrens jeans with a sunshine and a rainbow needle felted patch just under the back pocket sitting on a quilt next to an ostheimer cow

April 17 - Have a zero waste day

Read Toward Zero Waste by The Girl Scouts and learn all about how to make less waste and why that is important. Encourage your friends to join you. Who can make the least amount of waste!?

April 18 - Buy something you need second hand

Buying items like clothing, housewares, shoes, and yes, even toys and books saves things from ending up in a landfill. The more life a single product can get, the more impact it has. This is one reason we sell toys that are built to last through generations.

April 19 - Plant seeds and observe them sprouting

Try planting wheatgrass to observe it's growth process. It sprouts quickly, about 48 hours after planted. Use a recycled glass jar to plant the seeds so you and your children can watch the roots grow through the glass. 

Wheatgrass or Easter grass growing in a small glass jar. To one side is a waldorf wooden tea light candle and postcard holder with a bella luna branded postcard painted by danceypantsdisco

April 20 - Learn about water conservation

Watch this SciShow Kids video all about how to save water. 

April 21 - Cook a plant based meal for dinner

Learn more about the many benefits of a plant based diet for kids and tips for starting here at The Nourished Child. Find kid friendly plant based recipes here at Plant Based On A Budget. 

April 22 - Today is Earth Day! Make a window transparency with us

Honor and celebrate our Earth by making a window transparency with kite paper. 

April 23 - Create a nature weaving

Go for a nature walk, collect your materials, then follow these directions to create a nature weaving from Little Bins for Little Hands

Nature weavings made out of sticks, twine, and nature finds like flowers, leaves, etc.

April 24 - Make a simple bird feeder

The blog Thimble and Twig has several wonderful ideas of different bird feeders for children to make using recycled materials. You can make one out of an egg carton, or simply take a pinecone and spread peanut butter on it. Roll it in bird seed and hang it from a tree branch with twine. 

April 25 - Write a letter to your representatives about climate action

Learn how to find your representative's contact information here for The House of Representatives and here for The Senate.

April 26 - Take a camera on a nature walk

Take photos of all the different things that spark your interest. Get up close and personal! When you get home, you can use the photos to copy into your nature journal or to learn all about the natural world in your neighborhood.

April 27 - Make a recycled materials sculpture

Use your recycled waste in a creative way. Pick items from the recycling you can turn into a sculpture. There are no limits as to what you can create!

April 28 - Make a pledge to help the Earth all year long

What are a few things you can do that will lessen your impact on the environment? Can you try your hardest to make a pledge and do them all year? Maybe you'll pledge to stop using single use utensils or straws, or maybe you'll ride your bike to school everyday! There are so many ways to help.

April 29 - Take public transportation anywhere you go

Public transportation is vital for so many people, and it is also much safer for our environment. The carbon emmisions coming from one bus compared to 30 different individual cars is astounding! 

April 30 - Make a butterfly wand for May Day

Follow along on the Moon Child Blog to learn how to make a butterfly wand to celebrate May Day, or Beltane with felt and ribbons. 

Butterfly wand made out of a stick and felt

At Bella Luna Toys, we care deeply about the environment we are handing down to our children, and want to protect it. We hope this month of activities gives you some ideas of ways you too can help the climate! Individuals cannot solve this problem on our own, but when we come together and take action, it moves us forward in a meaningful way. Happy Earth Month!

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