Window crayons are a creative way to decorate your house for fall and halloween! Even if you don’t have professional drawing skills, your children will surely find them magical! And be sure to include them in on the fun too!
Today Jessica, founder of Toymaking Magic, is showing you how to decorate beautiful fall and Halloween themed windows with Kitpas Window Crayons. Let loose and have fun!
All you need is windows and window crayons. The stick crayons are easiest to achieve even lines.
The block ones are another option for decorating, though a bit harder to draw fine lines with.
If you can only afford one pack, consider what’s most important to you, having the most colors (stick) or being able to achieve thick and thin marks (block).
Shop Kitpas Window Crayons Here
Start by taking the opportunity to give your windows a good clean, inside and out. Shoo away the little spiders, be sure to thank them for contributing their halloween vibes, but send them on their way.
If you need some inspiration, do a google search of vector images, such as “pumpkin vectors”, “spider web vectors,” “fall wreath vector” etc. Of course you can get right to it, or you can do some sketches on paper first to practice.
A good trick for making a nice round wreath is to trace a large plate on the outside of the window to use as a guide. Erase it once you’re done drawing your wreath.

No need to draw accurate leaves, the overlapping is what makes it look lovely. If you have any mess ups, simply grab your rag and carefully erase the offending marks.
A wreath would look especially lovely on a glass door. Berries and acorns add festive cheer!
The crayons are a little hard to control and get even lines, so Jessica suggests you just roll with it and emphasize the messy look by going over the drawing a second or third time. That also helps eliminate the pressure to try to draw anything perfectly.
Write a fall phrase such as 'Happy Halloween' or 'Welcome Autumn'. If you’d like to write a greeting for your neighbors, a trick is to sketch out the words on the outside of the window, then go inside and use it as a guide to write backwards. Erase the crayon on the outside once you’ve finished.
Try filling in large areas with texture instead of filling completely with color.
What scenes remind you of autumn? Squirrels with acorns, hedgehogs, autumn trees?
How about drawing a “halloween costume” with the face left blank for silly Halloween pictures!
Simply clean drawings off with a microfiber rag, followed by a window rag. Use an older rag for crayon removal in case of staining.
We hope these drawings inspire you and your children to decorate your windows for fall and for every changing season!
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