Seasonal verses are a cherished part of Waldorf education, both in the classroom and at home. Today we are sharing some of our favorite spring verses and showing you how to create wet on wet watercolor cards to display them on your nature table.
Wet on Wet Watercolor Supplies
- Stockmar Watercolor Paint
- Waldorf Watercolor Paper
- Waldorf Watercolor Painting Board
- Waldorf Watercolor Paint Brush
- Paint Jar Holder
Create Watercolor Cards
Start by cutting a sheet of watercolor paper into rectangles of varying sizes. Trim to create rounded corners. If you have artwork that you want to repurpose, you can cut that up instead.

Soak the paper in water for around 10 minutes to help prevent curving or buckling while you paint. While the paper soaks, you can mix the Stockmar paints with water. Figuring out how much pigment to add is mainly up to preference, but this highly concentrated paint goes a long way. Use a scrap piece of paper to test your colors consistency.

Use a clean sponge or brush to remove excess water from the paper. Gently press out any bubbles so the paper lays flat on your painting board.

Spread the paint, one color at a time, onto your wet watercolor paper. If you are painting with young children, remind them to clean their brush thoroughly between colors. Let the colors play together, mixing and blending to create unique designs.

When you've finished, leave your work flat on the painting board to dry. Paint a few cards with different colors to explore how they blend together. We like to keep a box of these cards on hand to create unique gift tags, thank you notes and more.

Add Spring Verses to Your Cards
Use a ballpoint pen to write the spring verses on the cards. Marker and other pens may bleed through the fibers of the paper. Below we've shared a few of our favorite seasonal verses for inspiration.

Spring is Coming
Spring is coming, spring is coming,
birdies build your nests.
Weave together straw and feather,
doing each your best.
Spring is coming, spring is coming,
flowers are waking too.
Daisies, lilies, daffodilies,
all are coming through.
Spring is coming, spring is coming,
all around is fair.
Shiver, quiver, on the river,
joy is everywhere!
A Little Seed
A little seed for me to sow,
A little earth to make it grow,
A little hole, a little pat,
A little wish and that is that.
A little sun, a little shower,
A little wish, and then a flower!

This is a House (finger play)
This is a nest for a robin,
(make a cup with two hands)
This is a hive for a bee,
(use two fists to make a hive)
This is a hole for a rabbit,
(make a circle by putting your thumbs and index fingers together)
And this is a house for me.
(make a roof over your head with your arms)
Spring is Here
Spring is here, said the bumblebee.
How do you know, asked the old oak tree.
I see yellow daffodils, dancing with fairies on the windy hills.
Through the meadow, let us walk,
and see what wonders Spring has brought.
Skipping, skipping, let us go,
as the breeze blows, to and fro.
But watch your step and look where you go!
Here is a creature, tiny and slow.
Lilies of the Valley
White coral bells upon a slender stalk,
Lilies of the valley deck my garden walk.
Oh don't you wish you could hear them ring?
That will happen only when the fairies sing.

Raindrops Falling
Pitter, patter, raindrops,
falling on the treetops.
Falling down on garden beds,
wetting all the children's heads.
Pitter, patter, raindrops,
falling on the treetops.
Place your spring verses on your seasonal table or in your celebration ring. We like to change them through out the season then turn them into a little book by punching a hole and tying them together with yarn.
Tag @BellaLunaToys in your spring nature table photos, or use the hashtag #BellaLunaToys to share your art. We can't wait to see. Happy Spring!
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